Tuesday, December 22, 2009

winter solstice

A time for prayer and meditation.......
Friends, this time of the year has a special significance, this is a time when the planetry alignments lend a certain strength to meditation and prayer.....the GODS listen in more closely it seems ....
the earth, half of it frozen and the other half hot, is pushing its energies in cleansing and renewing itself.....
Lets sit in meditation and cleanse ourselves:
1. Anytime is a good time
2.Find a comfortable posture, either sitting or lying down, keeping your back straight.
3.closing your eyes, start taking deep breaths,
4.imagine you are surrounded by a green cloud, as you inhale, you draw in the green colour,and as you exhale you send the negetivity and grime from inside your body in the form of dark coloured clouds,
5.after a few breaths you will feel lighter and cleansed on the inside, each cell of your being will be charged with the strengthening green light of our fertile mother earth,
6. now lets give back to our beloved planet.....visualize yourself exhaling pink light of love, allow it to go to that part of the planet where it is needed most,
7.as the earth charged you with green energy , you charge the earth with pink energy.
after some time you will feel satiated, happy n loved, then slowly draw to a close,
8.slowly move the fingers of your hand, then feet, rub your hands together and put them over your face, now slowly open your eyes .
9.welcome back happy soul !!!