Monday, June 23, 2008

21st June summer solstice

We have just lived through the summer solstice of 2008, my subconsciuos tells me something of great importance has occured. Solstices and equinoxes are occasions of great planetary importance.....major astrological changes occur , we need to honour this but somehow it has vanished from our collective memories....i feel this is amiss.....we need to honour the passage of the sun acroos the sky. mother earth will appreciate it. what all important events occur has indeed vanished from my conscious memory also, but the collective unconscious in which i sometimes tap( all on its own... i have not yet decoded how to do it at will )....tells me , it is an occasion of supreme importance for mother earth. we could do gruop meditations, offer gifts to the sun earth moon and other planets, clean our homes and surroundings....offer prayers ....reduce our walk instead of using the car...burn less fossil fuel...recycle instead of throwing...have positive thoughts instead of negative ones.....practice visualizations to heal our planet, like visualizing that our planet has cooled by a few degrees ...that the polar ice caps have refrozen to dimensions of a hundred year back...that the excess CO2 has been mopped out of our environment.....and that the whole planet is drenched in the pinklight of love..........aaaaah ! !

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

healing visualizations

i have been practicing healing visualiztions on a regular basis.....i see mother earth washed and cooled cleansed of all kinds of pollution and violence, greening up becoming a much happier planet. The glaciers cooling off to the magnitude of 1000 years back...this would take full care of global warming...planet earth has to regain its pristine optimum ecological balance and so it is and so be it! ! ! ....please practise your own visualizations to heal mother earth... every single thought will help....thank you and god bless you