Wednesday, April 15, 2009

pink bubble meditation for manifestation

Dear friends , today i feel like sharing with you a meditation technique i had lernt years ago from a book by shakti gwain....."creative visualization ",,,,,,i had used it a lot back then suddenly , afew days back i was guided to use it again for something i was trying hard here i am excitedly wanting to share it with you all...........but please use it only for positive things....."SETTLE DOWN TO A CALM STATE OF MIND......VISUALIZE YOUR DESIRED OUTCOME IN DETAIL AS IF ITS HAPPENING IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES THEN N THERE....WHEN YOU ARE SATISFIED WITH YOUR VISUAL......WRAP IT IN A PINK BALLOON...SIMPLY PUT IT IN A PINK BALLOON.....THEN LET THE BALLOON GENTLY FLOAT AWAY.....INTO THE EXPANSE OF THE ENDLESS UNIVERSE, WHERE IT WILL ON ITS OWN GATHER ENERGIES FOR ITS MANIFESTATION ". The important thing is to remember to let go of the balloon , it needs to go off freely.....i hope you have beautiful experiences as you try it n light...earthspirit