Tuesday, April 22, 2008


hi freinds, i am sure the one who is meant to read this communication is reading it now, it is meant to share the ray of intense happiness i have just felt, that there is a purpose to all the suffering we r being subjected to . i am feeling this absolute connectedness with the one i am meant tobe connected with. Its so strong that i need to express it . who ever is reading this now please know that u r loved dearly, that ur not alone, none of us is. U r being lovingly held in the arms of ur guide, master, angel. know that ur problems are not insurmountable. there is a solution for every problem ever created rest assured . Even if u dont believe this , even if u dont have faith, still u r being loved always, in every moment. You will never be abandoned ! ! ! i myself have a difficult day ahead but during my meditation this morning i was filled with this intense feeling of being loved of being cared for , told that all problems are being solved . n then i was told to share this, as someone is waiting out there who needs to know this. there now feel good , feel invinceble...because U R.-------- love.

earth day prayer

Dear freinds, Lets do something special for our earth today , lets send her love n healing. If healing is too much for any of us then at least lets send her love. There r billions of homo sapiens on this planet, presuming they r the only ones with intelligence, (which incidentlly i don't believe). And even if one million out of that send love to our mother earth..... then imagine there will be such a flood of love on our beautiful planet !!! So much of love to go around, so many wonders r possible! people might just stop in there tracks n stop hating for a few seconds. for a few seconds the wars may stop. For afew seconds the earth will cool enough to stop the melting of the ice glaciers.... they might cool enough to freeze some more to restore the original glacier.... just imagine .. what some loving thoughts can DO !!!! So lets do it , where ever u r what so ever u r doing , without even pausing, lets send love to our planet earth . lets just open our hearts and pour. thanks for reading this freinds ...lets heal our mother earth n SO BE IT !!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Welcome freinds

I am an earth spirit, i was born as one , through childhood i remained one, closely associated with nature, in sync with the rythms of life, with the movement of the sun across the zodiac.With the changing seasons, growing up in a happy wholesome manner, on a steady diet of Enid blyton besides Emily bronte, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens Leo Tolstoy ,Roburt Ludlum and many many more. spent idyllic school days cycling around the town with freinds.observing the rituals followed by nature. generally growing up as a well adjusted young woman. but i missed my step on reaching adulthood. for a long time i was out of step with nature . saw the dark side of life , suffering , pain n misery ,but now with the advantage of hind sight, i know , that those were essential lessons of life that showed me what needs to be done, the importance of this incarnation and the urgency to restore mother earth to its pristine glory. thru the course of my days on earth, i have become aware of many ways in which healing can be send to all the animals, plants,minerals, animate and inanimate beings, to the "panchtatva" the 5 tatvas ---air ,water, fire, sky and ether---as held in vedas. i have started this blog to share with others the simple techniques of healing . learning the myriad other beautiful ways from other like minded souls, and take mother earth to a new level of vibration and so it is !!!
and so